Is there a blog world any more? See...not only have I been a very, very, very bad blog-writer, I haven't even been a good blog reader lately. ((bows head in shame)).
In truth, I've composed MANY, MANY, mental blog entries in the last several months. Blogs in which I ponder the whether or not hot yoga will prepare me for running in the hot and humid SoCal summer, blogs in which I make witty commentary about being married to the same dude for 21 years, blogs in which I comment on the nutty things that regularly happen when one teaches at a two-year college, blogs in which I boast about the accomplishments of both my amazing kids, followed by additional blogs in which I question my ability to successfully parent two teenagers.
I have an almost finished blog that I REALLY WROTE about the San Diego Half Marathon last March. For some reason, I never published it. I'm not sure why. It's not a bad race report. It certainly was a fabulous event... I'm sure I'll finish it and post it eventually.
Here's one pre-race photo of Me, Betty, Mik and Tak (Kat's hefferblog name) |
But lamenting on the myriad of reasons why I haven't written recently is NOT the reason I am writing today.
The real reason is that I'm making a BIG change in my life for the month of June. June is BOOT CAMP MONTH!
Here are the rules of BOOT CAMP MONTH
- Workout at least twice a day five days a week, and at least once a day on the other two days.
- Alternate between hot yoga, running, boot camp, spin class, or cycling.
- Eat well
- No alcohol
- Be accountable
You read it right. A whole friggen month* with no mimosas, no margaritas, NO WINE. The whole focus will be to be on getting into the most kick-ass shape of my soon-to-be-51-year-old life.
I know... Scary |
Well...I've been thinking about it for awhile. It started with my last doctor's visit last August (yes... it took me almost a year to do this. Don't judge.) Apparently when I turned 50, I became more interesting to my actual doctor, so for the first time in my 7 or 8 year relationship with this particular doctor's office, I had an appointment with THE doctor and not the physician's assistant (truth be told, I prefer the assistant).
There were a number of things that I didn't enjoy about that visit, most of them having to do with the doctor's manner. She was rather rude, abrupt, and made some judgements about me that I thought were unfair given that she'd only known me for, oh I don't know, about 10 minutes.
In short, she told me that I should lose some weight. I told her that I could run a half marathon (and wondered if she could) and that I really didn't focus on the scale.
Then she asked me about my eating and drinking habits. You know, the kinds of questions that doctors are supposed to ask, and when I honestly answered revealing how much and how often I drink, she said something like.
"You are consuming a lot of empty calories. You know if you stopped drinking, you'd probably lose 10 or 15 pounds without really trying, since you are so active. (and I swear to effing-god, she said that last part with a fair amount of if she didn't really believe that I ran 10-15 miles a week and at that point, I was training for a century, so I was also logging about 50 miles a week on a bike...grrrrrrrrr)
Needless to say, I'll be finding a new doctor, but her comment sorta stuck with me.
If I stopped drinking, I'd drop 10-15 pounds.
Then this happened.
Mik got me interested in CorePower Yoga, and suddenly I became addicted to it. I've been trying to go at least twice a week. |
And this happened.
Elsie goes here...and it was such a good deal, so I bought it. Then Elsie broke her ankle, so we didn't go. The Groupon expires in July, so I need to start using the sessions I paid for. I HATE not using a Groupon. |
But the final straw was this
I was going to personal trainer (Kelly) last fall, but that became too costly to continue. Then Kelly started her own personal training business and is doing a June Boot Camp. |
I figure the fitness-gods were conspiring, so June is officially BOOT CAMP month. I have a whole calendar worked out that includes Kelly's Boot Camp on Tuesday and Thursday. Spin classes on Monday and Wednesday. Yoga at least 3 days a week. Running at least 3 days a week. Weekend rides AND I'm taking up THE doctor on her challenge... No alcohol. Let's just say that I am testing her hypothesis.
And I decided to add some accountability by posting regularly about my workouts AND my weight.
June Workouts
June 1 - 7 mile run/10:06 pace
June 2 - 3.5 mile run/11:00 pace (hills) and Yoga
June Weight
June 1 - 163.5**
* full disclosure. It's not really a full month. BOOT camp month starts today and goes to June 27, which is my and Walter's 21st anniversary.
**Kelly took measurements, but I didn't write them down. I'll get them from her on Tuesday and post them as well.