Just some helpful advise for those who have difficulty getting dressed. Unlike Edith’s earlier attempt to woo a guy with her creative sweatshirt wearing, Tuesday night, Betty’s challenge was getting her shorts on the right way (as opposed to that one time, on the wall, at Saints...when it was just a matter of getting her shorts back on...oh, wait, was I not supposed to tell that story?).
For future reference people, the tag goes in the back, and the shorts tie in the front...but it sure was fun watching Betty change shorts on the field while Paul encouraged the Kinks by telling us how much he loves us...and Alberta shouted “who’s got a camera? who’s got a camera?”
After that, running the 7 800s was a piece of cake...
In other running news this week...Edith went to her first Team in Training meeting (penance for not knowing how to spell my name) Tuesday night instead of the track workout. She needs to raise $3,300, so she’ll be hitting us all up soon for support...it goes to a good cause and all (the one about curing cancer...not just allowing Edith to run in the NIke Women’s 1/2). She’s going to just look fabulous in all that purple. I’m sure she’ll get more date requests that way.
In non-running/testing news and other rants...you all know what Spanx are, right? If not, it is this decades answer to the girdle...and I will admit to having worn one (and looking great in it)...For some reason, they have been a reoccurring topic of conversation in this term’s Literacy meetings. I think it’s mostly because the men in the group are amazed that women wear a product called Spanx.
These science teachers...they have the dirtiest minds...I was talking about a girdle for pete’s sake!
16 miles on Saturday! Another 4.9 on Sunday for those of us who are doing the Race for Literacy.
Here’s Saturday’s route. It’s similar to one I did a few weeks ago...a really nice run to La Jolla and back...mostly flat...at least there’s nothing like Point Loma Nazarene!
Have a great week!
oh and then there are these bad http://www.wecovet.com/wecovet/2008/04/weird-ass-enhan.html">boys Do you think the science teachers know about these? :)
Looking forward to the run this weekend
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