Friday, December 19, 2008

TGIF - Photo Friday on the Bay

I have wanted to participate in Adventure Seeker Mom's TGIF Photo Friday for awhile, but by the time I (typically) get my shiz together on a Friday, it's late in the afternoon, and I'm on the west coast, so I figure I'm too late to post a photo, so I haven't

But today...I've sorta got it together, and yesterday morning, since school is OUT and my grades are DONE and the kids are still at SCHOOL, I went running at San Diego Bay...While it was a little cool and windy (by SoCal standards), when as I pulled up to the bay, I was thinking that I would take some pix to post today (What can I say...I'm a thinkin' gal..).

So, here's the view of the bay yesterday morning...
Gotta LOVE San Diego in the winter...absolutely no one around!

Except this...seagulls completely scare me. This one was completely mad-eying I was holding out on the breadcrumbs or leftover food or somethin.' 

For all you haters out there, who are stuck in absolutely freezing cold weather...I do want to point out, that I used to live here...

This is some photo I embedded from a news station in Reno...where it's pretty darn cold and snowy right now... Pogo Nip is a kind of frost that clings to EVERY THING. 

I got tired of living in that sort of thing, so I moved to SoCal when I graduated from college... I do have to wonder why everyone else who lives in cold weather doesn't do the same... Although I get that some people actually LIKE the cold weather.

Yesterday's Run
49:05 - 4.42 miles-MapMyRun/4.11 miles 9-Nike+ (how can there be such a difference? A little bird tells me I may be getting a Garmin for Christmas...I can't wait!)... I was running either an 11:07 pace or an 11:55 pace. I gotta go with the former... penance for having such a lovely morning run is that DramaGirl announced at about 8:30 last night that she needed to get one more gift for a girlfriend at school. Of course, I know that the ONLY place we're going to be able to get what she wants (a crochet hook and some purple yarn?) is at....

duh, duh, duh, duh....

Walmart (nooooooooooooooo)

Actually, the customers at Walmart were relatively well behaved last night, although the whole store smelled like glue (WTF?)...  I would have only marked a few squares on
Marcy's Walmart Bingo card .

DramaGirl - beginning to understand my aversion to Walmart.
We found the gift in minutes...but had to stand in line to pay for another 20 because apparently many others have this need to holiday shop at 9:00 on a Thursday night.

Here are some fine ideas for gifts from the checkout isle. I have no idea what this stuff is, but it's also available on TV!


  1. Your photo of the bay looks like it's spring in San Diego! No wonder people move there. So funny about "DramaGirl". LOL!

    Btw, great job on the run!

  2. What?!? You DON'T like mad-eyed seagulls?!? ;)

    Nice run!

    Happy Holidays!!

  3. I'm with you on the cold weather. That's why I love living in the desert southwest!

  4. Great pics-Gotta watch out for those seagulls!

  5. I share that same aversion to Walmart... I have a friend who constantly finds cool stuff there, but she takes the time to look. I just don't have the patience to be there for THAT long!

    Yep! Absolutely why I love living in San Diego, too!

  6. I LOVE San Diego my ex was down there for a stint so I got to hang out...LOVE IT and I am so jealous that you get to live there. :-)

    Your daughter is adorable and clearly happy to be at the big W.

    Good job on the run. It's funny how now we're all questioning our pace since we're so gadget oriented.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Um, was the glue smell on top of the normal Walmart smell? Or am I alone in noticing this? It's like a vet office to pets. You can take me blindfolded into a Walmart in Cali and I bet I'd be able to ID it from the smell alone.

  9. Christ. Walmart, the week before Christmas, you are a brave woman indeed!

    I hope Santa brings you a Garmin. The Nike+ is pretty inaccurate. It used to make me crazy!

    Gorgeous pictures! Happy Holidays!

  10. Go Garmin and you won't have issues with inaccuracy.

    Great pics all around. I can't believe you went to Walmart the week before Christmas; you are very brave!
