Friday, May 22, 2009

Plan C

Plan A 

The herd runs the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon...

Then this happened...

So....we had to come up with ...

Plan B

The herd runs the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon in October

Flat run, but not very sexy...It's close, but it is Long Beach...not much of a road trip there...

So...I'm proposing 

Plan C
Las Vegas - December 6, 2009

Anyone with me?


  1. I so wish Plan A would have worked out for you... it would have been awesome to meet you! But as for Vegas, go for it! :D

  2. That would be loads of fun!

  3. I had heard the old LV Marathon was a real yawner. But, this year it's a new organizer (who knows what they are doing) and a new course. It's worth a try for sure! How can you go wrong with Las Vegas?

  4. You probably couldn't get me away from the Blackjack tables but thanks;)

  5. It is definitely on my list of possibilities. I might even do the full (although I heard that all the good stuff is in the first half). I LOVE the idea of running on the Strip and through the Fremont Experience. This is a road trip I could talk my husband into going on!

    It looks WAY more fun than Long Beach.

  6. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so ... if you PR, you can't tell anyone.

  7. LMAO @ Glaven.

    Hmmmmm, I wonder if I could sneak away for that. I think I need to bribe the old chubby hubby with lots of golf this summer. then just maybe...

  8. Oh, oh, oh... Me, me, me! If you're certain that you'll go, I'll go too!

  9. Great idea! I had just told my husdand I hoped to run that one next year. Looks like I am always a year behind you...

  10. Do Vegas... I'm pretty sure I'm in for the full on that one. I need to redeem myself and get in a full marathon this year without a DNF. And since it's on my home turf, might as well!

    I bet I could arrange some kind of Blogger meet-up too, if people were interested!

  11. I, too, have heard some really poor reviews about Vegas.

    I have family in Vegas---I stay here whenever I can. :o

    I vote for Long Beach!

  12. Thanks for the shout Alice! HTFU is the same concept at STFU. "Harden" is the first word. Such as "Harden" the F Up and quit yer whining!

  13. I like this idsa.. but it brings back some memories of the Heffers first road trip - Vegas1995. I have so many fond and not so fond memories of that trip. Things like,... "So Beth", "Splitting", "Bingo", "Learning to Play Craps", "Hangovers", and of course lots and lots of laughing!

  14. How can you go wrong in Vegas? Bad review or not, if you're there with the herd, it's bound to be a fun-filled adventure! I vote Vegas baby!

  15. OOOH! You makes me think bad thoughts about jetting off to Vegas in December for a little marathon tryst with the Heffers...

    I am down, if you are!

  16. What happened to Plan B?! I enjoyed the LB Half Marathon. It's scenic and it's F-L-A-T. Then again, Vegas is relatively flat too. Oh, decisions decisions.
