I ran farther than three and a half miles...even with a pretty wicked hangover...and for those of you who wondered...
No, I never puked...
OK...So on to my real story for the day. You all know I took lots of pictures that morning, of us stretching after our run (pretty, pretty) and of us at World Famous, and you might be wondering where the rest of the awesome photos I took are...well there’s a sad, sad, sad, SAD story about my beloved (and less than one month old) iPhone that I have to share with you, even though Mike has told me that I really shouldn’t tell anyone the whole story...but I figure I know enough of your stories, so here goes.
Most of you know that when you last saw me as you left the restaurant, I was frantically searching for my iPhone. My search went sort of like this:
Me: (Frantically dumps everything out of workout bag and purse because cannot find iPhone, then sees Clarence (because she was at the car by then) if she’d seen iPhone on table in WF).
Clarence: No, last I saw it, it was in your back pocket
Me: Really? Ah Shit, shit, shit...(runs back up to the restroom, which was the last place visited in WF and searches floor, stall, sink area, trashcan...no iPhone. Then returns to restaurant and speaks to busboy) Did you see a phone on the table?
BB: No, I didn’t, but if someone did, it’d be at the hostess stand.
Me: (at hostess stand to hostess) Did someone turn in a phone?
Hostess: (sad face) No
Me: Can you find my waitress? I was with that party of six women sitting over there (and points to now bussed table).
Hostess: Sure (but moves ever so SLOWLY, IMHO, in doing so).
Me: (waits for what seems like FOREVER, get frustrated and thinking some more about where phone could be decides to check r-room again for a second time...runs into r-room and looks on countertop, on floor, under sink, in trash can...iPhone not seen. Doesn’t check stall because its occupied, but looks under door and doesn’t see it on the floor. Thinks, “maybe I didn’t look through my things closely enough” and runs back down to car and searches again for iPhone (under seats, through sweaty clothes, etc)...thinks F-word, F-word, F-word...where is it? It must be in WF, so runs back up to WF and talks to Hostess again.
Hostess: Did you find it yet?
Me: No I haven’t (and is somewhat hysterical at this point, but gives hostess Mike’s phone number just in case someone turns iPhone in and asks manager if I can use his cell phone to make a call to Mike to let him know that I’ll be late in picking up Charlie for B-ball game...still thinks that missing iPhone doesn’t make sense. Had the iPhone; Clarence said she saw me with the iPhone; it must be in the restroom! So runs back to r.room. Third time. Looks again on sink, on floor under sink. Nobody is in the stall this time, so checks there again...
Then notices that the toilet hasn’t flushed...and heart drops because now KNOWS where the iPhone is. Takes some TP and tries to move as much of the solid stuff (cuz, let me tell you there is solid stuff in the toilet) out of the way, and there it is...
Ah well...iPhone found. Sort of. Washes hands...twice...
It’s ruined of course (because it’s been in a freaking TOILET for about 15 minutes).
The nice Genius at The Apple Store is happy to give me a “replacement phone” today (for $250), so I am again w/iPhone and I’ll never put it in my back pocket again.
Anyway, in my search for info on whether or not anyone else ever resuscitated an iPhone that’s been in the toilet for 15 minutes (nobody really has, but lots of people appear to have tried), I came across this woman’s blog account of her dropping her iPhone in the toilet, that is so freaking funny, I am sharing it with you. In any event, her telling of her story was my inspiration here.
So happy to be going to Tahoe on Friday...
Sorry about the missing photos. I’ll take more.
ReplyDeleteoh crap. that was some funny $hit. This is why i love my herd. Not only do we do stupid $hit like this (on a daily basis), but we then we search the internet for solutions b/c we can't POSSIBLY be the only spazzes out there. And then we share to all. Why ? 'cause we entertain each other. Bring on Tahoe!
Good luck with this weeks training. Monday night i'm on my way to thee Dork Fest of all dork fests - MacWorld. Maybe i'll find some cool looking fanny packs for Alice. Cow print perhaps.
Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 08:37 PM
This is so hilarious! What's funnier... is I know whose SHIT you were digging through!
ReplyDeleteNo not really, but I thought it would be funny to say that.
Monday, January 14, 2008 - 07:12 AM
I so love you guys! While I'm home putting away Christmas stuff you're out having a fun time freezing, killing your knees, digging in toilets and stuffing yourselves with carbs! Oh, I'm so bummed I didn't join you! My flannel sheets were so comfy at 8:01!
ReplyDeleteMonday, January 14, 2008 - 08:45 AM
This should go under the heading "the girl with too many pockets has a shitty day" -- So sad, but a lesson to those of us who may someday own an iPhone...happy there's a replacement, and we'll have something to laugh about @ Tahoe!
ReplyDeleteMonday, January 14, 2008 - 10:18 AM
Do you think that I get credit for running extra miles (I did run back and forth to and from the restaurant to my car 3x).
ReplyDeleteDon't know what is more disturbing...reaching into toilet w/stranger's $hit or Betty's...
Who posted the anonymous comment?
Monday, January 14, 2008 - 12:05 PM